Jun 13, 2024

When it is your destiny to innovate, to be the first in something is already a life achievement. When you win for the first time in the sporting world, these milestones are recorded forever, but when it becomes repetitive, you become a legend.

But someone can become a legend at the age of 18 and from then on it is just the beginning of the path to glory, leaving indelible traces in its wake.

Nicaraguan Candelaria Resano, who at such a young age will be the first surfer from that country in the Olympic Games, has achieved all that and more in a meteoric way, when she debuts on the beaches of French Polynesia, paradisiacal beaches of the Pacific Ocean that will be the stage for the colorful competition of travel on the waves, showing strength, skill, athletic and artistic abilities, but above all a lot of courage to challenge the strength of the powerful waves of the region.

Her successful career did not go unnoticed in the eyes of the International Surfing Association (ISA), the body that governs surfing at the international level, so that after her sporting success she received, together with the Salvadoran Bryan Perez, the universal quota for the Olympic Games in Paris, a proposal submitted to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and approved by the regent of the world Olympics.

Cande, as she is called in the sport, had a year 2023 of great significance and importance for her career.

She won a historic bronze medal for Nicaragua in the World Junior Surfing 2023, held in Brazil, and then was among the top 10 in the adult World Cup in El Salvador and seventh place in the Pan American Games, Santiago 2023 (Chile).

This bronze medal is the first medal won by the country in the history of the International Surfing Association (ISA).

In addition to all of the above, as if this were not enough, Resano was second in Latin America in the Wings Tour, adding more merits to earn this universal quota.

The very strong and hard waters of Teahupo’o, Olympic venue for these events during the Paris 2024 Games, are no stranger to the young athlete, who was part of a preparation camp organized by the ISA.

Adversities are no stranger to the young surfer either, as on her first day she got into a blow with another surfer and as a result fractured her nose.

Her courage and determination allowed her to get back on the board after having an operation on her battered nose.

The surfer who began riding the waves at the age of 8 years old in the Popoyo Beaches will be able to take one more leap forward in adding to her sporting feats on her way to becoming a legend and sneak into the medal awards in the surfing competition, where she will compete against the best of the world surfing, 48 surfers (24 in female and 24 in male).

The surfing events will be held from July 27 to 30 on the beaches of Tahiti, in French Polynesia, more than 15,700 km from the Games venue, Paris.

The Nicaraguan Candelaria Resano, is accompanied in this quota of universality on the male side by the surfer from El Salvador Bryan Perez.

For ISA consideration, the universality spot is given to athletes from nations that have participated in Tokyo 2020 with up to seven competitors in all events and that are also among the top 50 of the ranking in the World Surfing Games, a requirement that both Resano and Perez had achieved.

Written by Salvador Almea


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