Jul 28, 2024

One of the main concerns of human beings is rest, and when it comes to Olympic athletes, the world’s interest in knowing what their rooms will be like in the Olympic Village is even greater.

During the last Olympic Games, the innovation and the most talked-about feature was that the athletes’ beds were made of cardboard. As in the Tokyo 2020 Games, in these Olympic Games of Paris 2024 the beds in the athletes’ bedrooms will be made of the same material and for the same purpose, which is nothing more than to adhere to the sustainability plan of the Agenda 2030 of the International Olympic Committee.

The design of this bed allows it to be modified in various ways. It is composed of three cardboard modules that allow to extend it, as well as to make it more solid. The mattress goes on top of these cardboard modules.

Among the points contained in the 2030 agenda of the International Olympic Committee is the commitment and fundamental purpose of working constantly with sustainability and the environment.

For these games, the cleaning of the Seine River, as well as the reduction of the carbon footprint and the reuse and recycling of materials, among which are the cartons of these 16 thousand beds, which seek a minimum environmental impact. The use of this material is part of a series of ecological initiatives launched to make these Olympic Games more sustainable.

Once these Games are over, they will be used again by athletes in the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games.

According to information provided by the founder and president of the company Airweave, in charge of the design of the beds, they can withstand weights of up to 200 kilos, being these construction materials in accordance with the sustainability commitment of the Paris 2024 Organizing Committee and its strategy: “Less, better, longer”, this hand in hand with the International Olympic Committee.

This furniture is complemented by tables and quilts also made from recyclable materials.

At the end of the Paralympic Games, the Organizing Committee will donate the remainder of the mattresses used in the Olympic Village to charitable organizations.

Written by Salvador Almea


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