Jun 07, 2024

“The Seine, a French symbol and the river artery of the capital city, inspires and embodies the identity of generations.”
the Seine represents artistic, literary, and cultural evolution that transcends the European continent.

El Sena es un río francés de 774,76 kilómetros de largo, que fluye en la cuenca de París y aguas en particular Troyes, París, Rouen y Le Havre. Durante los venideros Juegos Olímpicos Paris 2024, dentro de todo el entramado organizativo que presenta la ciudad, el Sena, al igual que la Torre Eiffel, tienen una huella apoteósica en la historia que se escribirá desde su inauguración donde será el escenario del desfile olímpico de las delegaciones.

It flows into the English Channel between Le Havre and Honfleur. Its hydrographic basin, covering an area of 79,000 km2, encompasses nearly 30% of the country’s population and is also one of the.
a considerable budget for its recovery.


Since the 1900 Olympic Games, the second of the modern era, the Sena River has not been the scene of events of this magnitude, featuring competitions such as angling, rowing, water polo, and swimming, where Australian swimmer Frederick Lanewon two gold medals, took place in its waters.

The competition schedule sets the exciting open water events as a major global attraction within the Parisian venues.

The Government of France adds to the investments of the Games the sum of 1.4 billion Euros in the
River cleaning, in a massive sanitation project of the important European river, which has among its objectives the cleaning of 75% of the bacterial contamination detected, allowing the waters of the Seine to be suitable for swimming and other Olympic aquatic events.

UNESCO, in 1991, declared its shores a world heritage site, with 8 million annual visitors to its waters.

The cleanup process includes upgrading wastewater treatment plants, installing
filter stations and the construction of storm basins. These efforts are designed to
reduce the discharge of pollutants into the river and guarantee water quality, minimizing pollution, to ensure the feasibility of aquatic events, and daily tests of the Seine water will be carried out at 3 in the morning during the Olympic Games.

These tests will determine if conditions are safe to carry out the planned competitions. Implementing these measures will not only ensure the success of the Games, but also sets a precedent for future environmental improvements.

The Paris 2024 Olympic Games continues to add data of interest for a future of sustainability and
environment, strategic lines of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), leaving green footprints and environmental preservation in each edition of its games.

Written by Salvador Almea


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