May 05, 2024

Yulimar Rojas, six-time world champion, double Olympic medalist (silver and gold), and owner of the world record in the women’s triple jump with a mark of 15.74 meters, is rehabilitating in Spain, preparing for her new flight, after not being able to compete in the next Olympic Games in Paris 2024

Pain, sadness and insecurity: three emotions that overwhelmed Yulimar on April 6 when she injured her left Achilles tendon while receiving a jump.

“They were very complex hours, in which I questioned myself and analyzed why, but I understand that, in God’s designs, we are only instruments of His will,” explains Yulimar, who was concentrating in Barcelona, Spain, preparing for what would be her third Olympic Games.

Following her diagnosis, Rojas underwent surgery at the CEMTRO Clinic in Madrid – Spain by a team of professionals led by the specialist in Traumatology and Surgery, Dr. Pedro Guillén and supported by Dr. Tomás Fernández. “Everyone has been very dedicated to me. It has been a difficult process but we have managed to continue and move forward. I am grateful for all the love and support I have received,” he adds.


At 28 years of age, Yulimar Rojas is a six-time world champion, double Olympic medalist (silver and gold), and also holds the world record in the women’s triple jump with a mark of 15.74 meters. The Venezuelan has pledged to work hard on her rehabilitation and come back stronger than ever, with her sights set on new horizons and to continue inspiring millions of people with her example of overcoming and perseverance.

“After two weeks of rehabilitation we are still working as a team. Being constant, everything has been going normally. We are gradually starting to move calmly and the sensations are optimal. There is still a long way to go,” he says.

Paris 2024, it doesn’t stop hurting. It was his goal and a dream. “I wanted to defend my Olympic title. I was very excited to represent my country. I worked very hard for it, but I understand that I had to stop and come back with a lot of strength, and continue flying together. Each person has a different capacity to see life and face the difficulties that arise, we just have to move forward and trust in our abilities, that’s what I’m doing”.

Yulimar’s absence at the Olympic Games will be felt; however, she sends her best wishes. “It’s time to give the best and enjoy. To the Venezuelan delegation in Paris 2024, I am very proud of you, and to my track teammates, give the maximum to achieve glory”, she points out.


In a world where sporting success is measured in medals and records, Yulimar Rojas has shown that her true legacy goes beyond the tracks and podiums. Her example of determination, humility and perseverance led her in 2023, to materialize one of her greatest dreams: the creation of the Yulimar Rojas 45 Foundation, which aims to promote and encourage the integral development of athletes in different categories, ages and modalities, with emphasis on youth at risk.

“Your life is shaped by the consequences of your attitude, what you do with what happens to you and how you react to what happens to you. What defines you is your response to what happens to you. Your attitude makes the difference. This project also keeps me grounded and inspired. It helps me recharge and gives me momentum,” she explains.

During 2024, FYR45 has already carried out four feeding days, which have benefited more than 3,000 people in Venezuela, in addition to medical assistance days for young athletes, recycling activities and deliveries of toys and sporting goods. All these in favor of the development and promotion of sport and social commitment, hand in hand with national federations, associations, coaches and athletes who have joined.

“We have to keep building the world we want, a friendly place. There are many ways to contribute, we just have to do things from the heart and make a difference. With this project we are transforming lives and we have the purpose of helping to grow and train new champions,” he said.

Written by Yanny Figueroa Guevara


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